Saturday, December 11, 2010

Playstation HO-HO-HOME

How is this song so good? Just wanted to get the blood pumping

Hey guys, hows it going? First off I just wanted to thank you all for the responses that I got for my last post, it really means a lot. Like seriously... makes my day. So mad respect to all you who read and/or comment. That being said, if you like what you are reading please feel free to pimp it out to as many people as you'd like. New viewers are always welcome and appreciated :)

But any who what have I been doing recently? Well not much to be fairly honest. I got a pizza today... that was pretty cool I guess. Oh and yeah PLAYSTATION HOME!!! Well maybe that's one too many exclamation points, but I have been playing a fair amount of Home. Actually in all honesty I played it for you guys, you see Home can kind of be a chore sometimes.

Some of you may yet again be thinking "But normalguy417, what on earth is Home?" To which I say Home is the prettiest chat room you will ever take part in, and more. Basically what Home boils down to, is a free game(?) for playstation 3 owners. Its like Sims meets Chat-roulette, with admittedly a lot less penis. In fact no penis, you can't even curse in Home which actually results in a pretty relaxed and comfortable environment with strangers. Yeah, I know right? Oh and did I mention its free?

So first you create your character, then pick out clothes, body types, skin and hair color, you know the normal stuff. Now I have a confession to make dear readers, when I first downloaded Home I used it merely as a tool to elicit responses from anonymous strangers...introducing Jermaine.

Yes while its clearly not politically correct, choosing an obese, African American man, sporting pink hair and occasionally a fairy wand, is in all honesty the most entertaining way to harass people. However what initially started as a joke turned into an honest connection. I've grown to love this guy, and I sometimes forget that he isn't actually a representation of my physical appearance. He's cool, like a young Wesley Snipes. Also he's actually gotten a lot less scary looking as I ditched the sombrero and gloves combo.


So what is there do to in Home? Well everyone starts out with the same basic apartment (pictured above), but you can unlock home items, apartment, clothing, and other little decorations, through in game achievements or actual money. I only wish there was more because the number of games that actually support the feature is slim. Although all is forgiven for the fact that I can LIVE IN THE BATCAVE (unlocked in Arkham Asylum)

I'm the hero this city needs

The lock is being popped

But besides all of that, there's actually a lot of things to do in Home. You can go bowling, watch tv shows in theaters with others, play games, and just run around yelling "MY BODY IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!" while pop locking ... no seriously I love doing that. It's really fun when you have nothing else to do. The only thing I wish they would improve is waiting in line for games. You'd think that if you just walk up to a game it would let you play, but no if someone is playing that game you are screwed, you just have to wait for them to finish. I know that's real life, but this isn't and we shouldn't have to wait to play your crappy little pool mini game sheesh. But then again its free, so you can't really knock it too much.

The elves tell me to do things... no really they give you objectives.

This best describes how I felt seeing Santa in Home.

But one of the coolest things about Home, and the reason I wanted to write this blog post, is that Home has these cool little seasonal events now. Currently its a Holiday theme. The central plaza is covered in snow, and YOU CAN MEET SANTA. Now is your chance to redeem all the terrible mall Santa's, who smelled bad, and made you cry. It's really a cool idea, not only do you get do dance with elves, but Santa will give you tasks, and you can open up a present a day until Christmas. As you can see I am wearing the nifty mistletoe, look out virtual ladies RAWR...god I'm sad.

All in all Home is a great product. If you don't mind flagrant advertising, and have a playstation, I would definitely suggest checking out Home. Hang out with me and we can body pop in the midst of some stranger's conversation.

Also wtf is this person dressed as? It made me really uncomfortable so I took a picture of it. Looks like I'm having nightmares tonight.


  1. Playstation Home is a really neat concept for a base of operations for an avatar. I really wish Xbox Live would incorporate that so me buying a 5 dollar lightsaber may actually be worth it if i could carry it around in front of other avatars. Otherwise a very good insight into the Playstation Home.

  2. Hey thanks man, and yeah I completely agree and I don't even have an xbox. Home is a cool concept and I'm sure Microsoft would probably do a better job of integrating it with the rest of their interface. Plus the xbox avatars just look cool.
