Saturday, December 25, 2010

Did You Hear??

Hey guys :). Hope every ones weekends are going great. Just wanted to check up on you. Did you hear?? The east coast is supposed to be getting hit by a big Nor'easter. Unfortunately I live on the east coast, and they say its going to 'pack a punch'...ouch. Usually I'm prepared for these big storms, but this year I'm not. No thanks to the "know-it-all" weather forecasters who royally screwed this one up. All week they've been selling a pipe dream : 60% chance we won't see a single flake. Now it's an 100% chance that were getting a blizzard...SMH!! (that means 'shaking my head' for my readers who are not up to date with the latest computer jargon) Thanks a lot. Now, about 3hrs after hearing the news, it's finally starting to dawn on me. I'm not prepared in the slightest to be snowed in. Here's a true story. Last winter I was robbed by a few neighborhood bandits. Of all things they could have possibly stole,
 they stole my shovel. To make matters worse, I was using the shovel when it happened. Who does that??? Who steals shovels??? Soooo...I have no shovel. But really who needs a shovel, at least there's food right. Absolutely wrong!! My refrigerator is emptier then a Dan Fogelberg concert...seriously. What's the big deal? You may be wondering why I don't just go to the store and buy a shovel and some food? You know what, I thought the exact same thing until I realized that today is Christmas. There are absolutely no stores open at all. As far as timing, this Nor'easter could not have picked a better weekend to screw me over. So I guess I'll be having saltines and powdered milk for breakfast tomorrow morning...Delicious*tears brimming in eyes*

Goodnight World. Don't drink and drive. Lawmaker Gone...

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