Friday, December 17, 2010

Life Update

Hey guys and gals,

Hows life treating all of you this holiday season? I hope everything is going well in your lives and that you are somewhere out of cold's icy reach. I myself am currently sitting by a heater in my living room, reading a book of all things! Yeah I rarely read but I got Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter as an early Christmas gift, and I am having trouble putting it down. It's basically a mixture of real facts from Abraham Lincoln's life, with the twist that the whole reason he became president was to kill off the population of American vampires. While I admit that vampires are going through a tough time right now, they are essentially dealing with their own version of blaxploitation, for every twilight and vampire diaries, there is an Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

So what else is new? Its been about a week since the last post and I have to deeply apologize. That is completely unacceptable, and I will try to keep it from happening again. At the same time, things have been hectic for the aovw crew, with finals and holidays, not to mention the Lawmaker is consistently busy throughout the year. So rather than do a huge, meaty post, I figured I would just take this time to fill you in on whats new.

So whats new? Well for one thing I haven't had anything new to play in awhile thanks to the lack luster service of Sony. Playstation Plus was supposed to give us the whole season of Sam and Max on tuesday, but for some reason they have been encountering an error for folks who downloaded the demo previously. What the hell? I've never heard of something like this happening before. So what is Sony's solution? Rather than fix the issue, they have decided to send out codes,but not all at once like you'd someone at sony thought hey lets break these codes up into groups because its not that big of a deal. Honestly guys, I don't want to sound like a complete lunatic but I have been waiting to play this game for awhile now, and the fact that it is now FRIDAY is a little ridiculous to me. (Luckily I found a good book to distract me)

Other than that I finally finished Lost and watched the original Tron for the first time.

Lets speak of Lost first....(possible spoilers although I'll try to keep it vague)

WHAT THE HELL? Listen I love Lost, and I'd be lying if the ending didn't make me choke up a little bit, but the fact is nothing was answered. I felt so empty, and still do as a matter of fact. None of the big issues were answered, and I felt like the writers were basically making things up as they went, with no real idea as to where they were heading with the story. The characters in lost (especially in the last season), all used this vague language, and answered every question with another question, and frankly left me with more questions than answers. I could continue to rant about the series but I guess the ending was good. I guess. I find that this video pretty much sums up how I feel.

And yes, through the magic of youtube, I managed to watched the elusive TRON. A movie which Disney has hidden from the public for far too long. Ok so it's not the best movie of all time, but its nothing to be ashamed of. Yes the then mind boggling special effects have not aged well, and the 80's techno babble is laughable at best, there are some genuinely great things about Tron. I found the religious metaphor between the users and the programs to be really interesting, and overall Tron asks some big questions about reality in general.

Heres a link to the first part of Tron if you are interested.


And am I excited for Tron Legacy? I'll answer that with one word


Well have a safe and Holidays people. I'll be sure to post a few times before the new year so be on the lookout.

Oh and ps. I think there is something living in my wall. I am terrified. All I can hear is this constant scratching and moving. If this is my last post....its been a fun ride.

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