Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Short Presentation on The Progression of Popular Hip-Hop Music.

I now present to you a short presentation on the progression of Popular Hip Hop music over the last 29 years. (Video credit from Youtube.)


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Singularity...oh crap

Hey guys, it's been awhile. Recently I've been doing a lot of work for school, including a speech on the California Video Game Bill (which is ridiculous, and unconstitutional. Expect an immanent blog post on the subject). Anyway, yesterday I performed the speech for my class, and everything went well. Yet something didn't feel right, I was missing something. Then it hit me like a bowling ball to the gut. I had lost my flash drive.

"Oh god now there is so much information about myself, merely floating out there in the ether" At the time I didn't realize how ironic this thought process was. Who cares if someone can see my name, a few ps3 saves (including the playstation home pictures), and a power point I made three years ago? I came to the stunning realization that there is so much personal information floating around in the interwebs, that we are essentially in a state of full personal disclosure constantly. In essence, the internet serves as a globally shared mind, capturing all of our most private, and intimate moments.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Summer vacation is almost here folks, the robins are back, the grass is growing and the fragrant odor of sweat and Rita's Water Ice is all around.

If you're thinking "Damn! That was poetic!!" That's because that's what summer does to people.

Poetry flows from summer like poop from a baby.

There are more poems out about the summer then there are white girls at a Lil' Wayne concert.

I don't know how else to stress the point, but I'm going to put the word summer here, because I like explaining things in 3's. Summmmmerrrrrrr.

You get the idea.

But while it's still kind of far away, I'm going to go ahead and set some ground rules for some people who just take the idea of summer and get too carried away.