Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hey guys sorry to be so blatantly vulgar but I really needed to get that out there. It's like something oclock in the AM out here in The Charmeleon zone and I've been up all night studying for finals. We've all been there, so I'm not even gonna complain about that. No, this post is just about random things I've been thinking about while trying to focus on the load of crap I saved to do until the last minute.

  • Why is it that as soon as everybody else in the house falls asleep, your hearing seems to increase a thousand fold? You hear a little creak downstairs and you're up and ready to kill something. *hear noise* “…whathafuck..? MOM? IS THAT YOU? MOM? MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" *waking up from sleep*"what" "JESUS MOM. I ALMOST JUST EFFED YOU UP RIGHT THEN. BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME. I'M DANGEROUS."
  • You know it’s time to call it a night when you blink and four hours went by.
  • I think I'm going to invent tiny little flashlights that attach to your socks. That way you can get the drop on those obstacles that threaten to fuck your big toe up while you're just trying to walk by.
  • While on the topic of socks, do more people sleep with socks on or without? Must investigate…
  • I think the guy who invented stumbleupon.com is out to make every college student everywhere fail. I both respect and loathe his intellect. 
  • I hate when you notice a small mistake whilst typing a paper a little too late and instead of clicking the place where the mistake is, you delete the whole sentence and start over. 75% of my paper writing time right there.
  • Somewhere between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM, softly playing choir music becomes eerie ass killing music.
  • Part of me wants to see that Tron movie, part of me just wants to rob a bank. Tune in to see which one I decide to go with.
  • I love when you wake someone up and they start sleep talking nonsense. Here’s a little excerpt of what a family member said to me earlier 

“…The button….press the button…IS IT TIME FOR SCHOOL ALREADY!?”

lol wut?

Goooooooodnight mah peoples. And be more careful when you click my posts. I almost effed you up right there.


  1. hahah this is great. i sleep with my socks off. and thanks to you now i'm hooked on stumbleupon... at least i won't be bored over break (:

  2. Hahahaha. Funny part is Ive done all of these.. The first one is crazy, it;s either when everyone is asleep or youre the only on home. I swear I can hear every little noise even with the tv on or headphones in. Lol.

    Oh and I sleep with my socks off =)


  3. Great Stuff Charmeleon. Keep it coming
