Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Post One (EPIC)

Well where to start off? I am the third contributor to this blog, and possibly the least ecstatic. Dont get me wrong, Im happy to be here, but the initial idea of a group blog seemed like a lot of pressure. Maybe I'm over thinking here, but that's what I do so get used to it. I'm really not sure what to talk about in this first blog post, which I so creatively named "Post One". Maybe I should talk about my distinct hatred for internet language. When joining this blog I was prompted to come up with a screen name. I hate screen names, they always come off annoying to me. For example, I would rather someone just use their name then called themselves xBluntsmokingnarutofan69x. Maybe I am over exaggerating, but stuff like that is on par with the over excess of the term epic. Stop saying epic. Also stop saying win, fail, ftw, and for the love of god stop making Chuck Norris jokes.

- The Pretentious Douche (Please dont hate me:( )

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