Thursday, March 17, 2011

Take it In!!

Hey guys, I got a doozy coming for you. I feel like I'm a noob at this game we play called life, but I have some things I'd like to share. Of course, as usual, it starts with a story. (Oh, and for those of you who aren't in on the internet lingo, tl;dr means "too long; didn't read". These points pretty much sum up the post for you who are living an on-the-go lifestyle a.k.a. lazy)

So, the other day, I was at my job and something incredibly profound struck me. I was sitting at the register, waiting for the next customer, when I saw a mother and her small child galloping behind her down an aisle. I am a boss and I need not worry about minuscule things like work so I kinda listened in on their conversation for a while. The kid was about 8 or so and tugging at the moms shirt while the mom was on her phone, and the conversation was going something like this:

Kid: "Mom! Mom! Can I go play with Brad today?" (It had just started getting nice out recently).

Mom: "No." (continues talking on the phone)

Kid: "Pleeeeeeaaasseeeee???" (You all know what a whiny little kid sounds like, just imagine that)

Mom: "No. You have homework to do."

Kid: (with a big ass grin on his face): "I did all my homework at school."

Mom: "Don't you have a project due next month? Well you're going to start that today."

Kid had no rebuttal for this. Mom wins. You know how that goes. But just seeing this happen in front of me, it lit a fire somewhere deep within my very being. I got up from behind the register, marched right up to the mother, and slapped her in the face with one of these. I then took off my apron, then walked right out of the store into the sunset...

...In my head. In real life I rang them up and went through work without hitting anybody with anything. But still, that whole mom kid situation really bothered me.

I don't know what the kid did or said before the conversation, the kid could have been a really bad ass kid and the mom an innocent parent. Doesn't matter. What I pulled from this made me think. The kid did all of his homework, but his mom told him he couldn't go out because he had a project due in a month.

I'm not saying procrastinate! I'm just saying, sit down sometime and take it all in! Think about it:

Billions upon billions of atoms come together to form compounds, which form molecules.
They come together in different ratios to form cells, which  ration themselves off to form tissues.
Those tissues make organs, organs make organ systems, systems make an organism. You. (I'm not a bio major, I bet you aren't either. I just want you to get the gist of what I'm trying to say. And if you are a Bio major, God have mercy on your soul.)

You're sitting in the library or your room or a stranger's house, whatever, reading this blogpost on a land mass which is on a huge rock which is spinning out of control and has been for billions upon billions of years.

This rock we call Earth is only part of a solar system which is only one of trillions in a big ass amount room we call space, that no human being has ever been able to tell the limits of. Fuck, there are trillions (that's one million, million, millions) of stars and planets and shit, and we don't even know if we are the only ones living out here!!

photo courtesy of

And that's just this dimension. (Cue the twilight zone music.)

tl;dr? You're awesome. Where and why and how we live is practically unfathomable. So do awesome shit. 

Too many times, we hold back from doing what we really want out of fear. It's easier said then done, I know. I'm just saying, if you feel as though you should really do something for yourself, do it. Make yourself happy.

Want to make socks for a living? Goddamit, you go out and make the best god damn socks you ever seen.

Want to clean toilets? Well then sir or madam, you'd better do that shit, because there are a lot of toilets out there and they ain't gonna clean themselves.

Want to be a rapper/singer or an actor? Then start rapping so much that you do it in your sleep. Sing in front of a crowd of people like you sing in the shower. Act like someone one day and then suddenly completely change personalities the next.

I'm not saying you're going to be "good" at what you want to do, all I'm saying is that something as trivial as talent shouldn't stop you from doing what you want to do.

I'm not saying you're going to make buttloads of money off of doing what you want to do. But as cliche as it sounds, success isn't measured by the amount of cash you have. You can be successful if you live in a gutter. Success is how content you can be in your situation. (Ever hear of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and his theories of self-actualization? You could say I'm a little humanistic.)

Again, I'm not saying that if you're going through something right now and you aren't happy because the road ahead looks daunting, you aren't successful. That happens. Sometimes you need to tighten those proverbial bootstraps and crawl through shits creek and fight for it. 

Sometimes you win big. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you lose big and win little.

But the little victories add up. Sometimes you can have that project due, but you throw all caution to the wind and go play outside anyways. Why are we killing ourselves so much now, for something you might not live to see? (spoken like a true comm. major, I know)

Not to sound hedonistic here, but we are at the cusp of our potential in life, now. While we're living. So live!

Fuck it, if normalguy417 likes to play Pokemon, and I like to watch Cartoon Network, who am I to look down at him and ask "isn't that for kids?"

Enjoy your life and let other people enjoy theirs. They have the same right as you.

Hell, if you take the time out to find out about another persons customs or beliefs, you might find something that is similar in your own or you might even find something you agree with!

Watch a genre of movie you'd usually never touch! Listen to a style of music you've been trying to keep away from! Read from the holy book of another religion!!

tl; dr? Again? Okay.Do things that make you happy every once in a while (as long as you aren't hurting anybody).  Live and let live.

Most European countries have a time set aside were everyone goes home and has tea and relaxes. Some Spanish speaking countries have a siesta where in the middle of a long day of work, they come home to eat and sleep and re-coop so to speak.

We work and work, but eventually we have to sleep. We weren't made to go around the clock 24/7. So take a load off, even if it's just for a little bit.

Take it easy!


  1. Wow. Just wow. Very good. You have a unique style of writing. Keep it up!
