Saturday, February 12, 2011

Don't call it a comeback its LIFE UPDATE #2

Hey guys how is everyone on this glorious day?

Just replace the Rock with Normalguy, and then replace WWF with AOVW

I have to start of this blog with a sincere apology. It's something that we have fought with in the past, but it just keeps finding its way back into our lives, and that is life. You see life is so time consuming. One day I'll want to write a blog, but I will be currently entwined with either studying, friends, or other life commitments. It sucks, and I'm sorry. But I'm back now, to fill your hearts with false promises of updating weekly. :D

So in order to bring you guys up to date I figured I would do another fantastic Life Update, because at this point we all need to be reacquainted. SO HANG ON TO YOUR BOOTSTRAPS, BECAUSE HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

You have been rewarded with a picture of Kim Kardashian

So whats new in that life of mine? Well I have received one death threat, watched a lot of TV/Movies, and come to terms with the fact that I indeed do hate Justin Bieber. (I don't want to sound like another random internet fool, who hates him for no reason. I HAVE MY REASONS)

So lets start with something fun first, friendly old death threats! YAY FEARING FOR YOUR SAFETY!

It's really not that big of a deal, but it was a scary experience. So on the first day of classes I was heading to my first night class.(OoOoOoOoOo) When from out of nowhere I hear, "Give me your shoes, or I'll kill you".  "Great" I think, "Its probably just another crazy homeless man out to scare me" But then I turned around. There stood a seven foot tall white dude, with a jaw that could crush a full can of soda. Lets paint this picture further, he wore a wife beater and jeans (despite the fact that it was freezing out), and he had a tick where he would shake his head to the right. So obviously we aren't dealing with someone of sound mind. I am in no way trying to poke fun of homeless people either, but during my panic I managed to snap a quick picture of the man.

Here it is.

So he followed me for about a block, yelling things at me. I began to realize that maybe he wasn't actually going to hurt me when he began to barter. "Give me one shoe man, just one shoe and I'll let you live." What is he going to do with one shoe? Any who, so he followed me to the door of my school and said "Aw I see, well I'll be waiting."  It was a three hour class. He was never seen again. I assume he is dead. However if he was actually outside at the end of that three hours, well I would've probably given him my shoes for his patience. I mean c'mon that's loco man.

So whats next on the agenda? Oh yeah Movies and TV.

Oh god guys I love Mulder. I have a serious man crush on his character. Perhaps it is the way in which he holds himself, or perhaps it is the fact that I really don't find Scully all that attractive (that's not to say I don't love her character), but Mulder is awesome. I love X-files guys!  I was too young to watch it when it originally aired, (that or too scared), but thanks to the miracle of Netflix, I have been able to start enjoying this classic television masterpiece for myself. I am now on season 7, only stopping once to finish the 6th season of Lost. But man it's great, I can't recommend it enough. My personal favorite episode is called Detour, it involves Mulder and Scully a mysterious group of murders in the woods, and then in pure X-files fashion, some creepy stuff goes down.

Also there's Scott Pilgrim, AIYA. Super good, I don't want to get into it again, as I just wrote a paper for school about the glory that is Scott Pilgrim. However if you aren't familiar, I suggest you read the books, or even watch the movie, or play the game. It's one series where every form of media is practically flawless. Hopefully I can post my paper on Scott Pilgrim later, as it essentially was an AOVW style review.

Plus Ramona be hot y'all

Yeah I know she's a cartoon, what of it?

So yeah lets talk about this child now shall we?

I have to preface this with a bit of pleading. PLEASE YOUTUBE COMMENTERS STOP MAKING JUSTIN BIEBER JOKES IN THE COMMENTS. It's not funny. Thank you.

Now I have never really had a problem with the whole Bieberfever thing. My outlook was always, ok so he is pretty untalented and lame, but he's obviously not for me, so why waste my time with hating him? I figured eventually he would disappear, and everyone could go back to listening to the other crappy music that is played on the radio. No bigs, fads come and go. However my problem is this ...

Oh wait no it isn't.....

My real problem is this ....

It was all well and good when I could shut him out of my existence, but now that he is getting a movie, his likeness, voice, and overall vibe, has been invading my personal space, and I don't like it. WHY DOES THIS KID DESERVE A MOVIE? I mean Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers had movies, but they were backed by Disney, and I had already come to terms with the fact that Disney is going to do what it wants no matter what. I guess the same can be said for Justin Bieber, but honestly WHY? Why is their an age demographic of 3-40 year old women who are going crazy for this kid? What does he do differently from the boy bands of my youth? Well for one he is much less talented, and twice as annoying. But besides that I just don't see the appeal. 

I guess the breaking point for me was when the Charmeleon informed me that there was a group of rabid tweens/twenty year olds, at the premiere of this pile of dog poo. I guess I always knew it was for the tweens, I mean c'mon tweens are dumb, but I honestly found great despair in the knowledge that people my age and older were going through Bieber fever. ITS OK FOR KIDS GUYS! KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO BE DUMB! Why are their twenty somethings going crazy for this kid? Are they so tone deaf and tasteless that they would put this kid above some of the other music out there? I mean go listen to Jason Mraz, Drake, or any number of other popular musicians out there. I DONT EVEN LIKE THOSE GUYS, but I am recommending them to you because you are too old for Bieber guys. It's beginning to become creepy. What do you intend to get out of this? What is it about his songs about teenage girls and drama, that speaks to you?

So I guess it boils down to pure and utter hatred. I don't hate Justin Bieber, I hate his fans. God have mercy on their dumb souls. Seriously guys.

I think this video basically sums up my opinions.

Well that's all I have to say on the matter. I hope it wasn't too convoluted or mean, as it was really just my thoughts as they hit me. If you have anything to say one way or the other, I'd love to hear it in the comments below. Well stay safe guys

Have you guys been following that stuff in Egypt lately? I feel terrible because I am so uninformed to the point where I can't really comment on the situation. All I know is that when people are rioting in the streets, they are usually right.  I guess we all have our own personal day to day problems, that to ask us to worry about or pay attention to a problem going on in another continent is a lot to ask. It's kind of sad. But anyway I saw a pile of human feces on the sub yesterday, so I guess I have my own things to deal with.

1 comment:

  1. Normalguy, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post as well as all of your post in general. I completely agree with you about Justin Beiber.
