Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black History Month Should Be Canceled

Hey guy's :-). Before I start, I just want to apologize for this awkward moment. It's been a while, actually it's been too long since I last talked to you and it kinda feels like we don't even know each other anymore. But as Normalguy so gracefully explained in his latest post Don't call it comeback it's LIFE UPDATE #2 , life is so time consuming. You can attest to that yourself. It just seems as though there are more and more things to do, but there's less and less time to do it. Regardless, I do want to apologize for my lack of output these past two months.

Now about my title, Black History Month Should Be Canceled. If you were not aware, which really wouldn't shock me, the month of February is Black History Month. It's pretty much a month dedicated to remembering the History of African Americans and their many outstanding and influential accomplishments. This is a noble idea, but quite unnecessary and honestly not well thought out. I feel this way for three reasons:

1.February is the Worst Possible month

Now I'm not saying this just for the obvious reason, 28 days in the month. There's just too much stuff going on in February. Think about it. During the first week of February, the only thing on peoples minds is what?? The Superbowl. People are planning for parties all week, making last minute arrangements. It's a pretty hectic time. Honestly, no one is really consciously thinking about B.H.M (Black History Month). So right off the bat, you lose one week. The next week is what?? Valentines Day. I personally don't celebrate Valentines day,but I see what goes on. Men are nervous this week because, well if they screw this day up, their head is gonna be on a platter. We all know that there is nothing worse that an angry woman, especially when she didn't get her chocolate. So there goes another week gone. Now as you get into the next week, your still generally on your V-Day high, there is still the residual after affects. It's not until around Wednesday that your back to normal. But then you realize that Presidents day is coming right up and that means no work. You start planning for your weekend and before you know it week three is in the books. Now by the time the last week of February rolls around, that's when you usually come to the realization that this is in fact B.H.M only because it seems like the media is working over time to put out commercials about B.H.M. By then, though, it's to late. B.H.M is over and you move on with your life. That's why February is the worst month for B.H.M. There's too much going on and not enough time to do it all. I think the ideal month would be March. There's 31 days of nothing going on but Saint Patricks Day.

2. It's not fair to other minorities

As much as I believe that African Americans deserve to be recognized, their are other ethnic groups that deserve that same honor as well. I'm the guy who feels like if you do it for one person, you have to do it for everybody. Now that's not always an easy thing to do, especially in this case. That's why I think that we shouldn' designate specific months for a certain group but instead we should learn about each other's history and reexamine each others accomplishments everyday all year round.

Last but certainly not least, and I think that this is the most important reason is:

3.The President Is Black

In 2008, African Americans were one step away, on paper, from true equality. You see up unitl that point, we had already either taken over or stamped every major statistic there is except for one, Politics. Just take sports for example. Who is the greatest Basketball player of all time?? Jerry West? Larry Bird? No, Micheal Jordan. African Americans took over Basketball. In fact if when you watch Basketball today, it's predominately African Americans. What about Baseball, who has the most Home Runs all time?? Babe Ruth? Micky Mantle? No, Barry Bonds*. African Americans took over baseball. Golf?? Tiger Woods. Tennis?? Venus and Serena. Hockey?? Not quite there yet, but we'll get there. The point is African Amerians have dominated Sports. How about T.V?? Brian Williams? Katie Kuric? Oprah Winfrey.For the past 25 years, she has ruled the tube and now she owns it too. Her own cable network OWN. Let Me give you a list of some accomplishment:

Benjamin Banneker contributed largely in the field of mathematics and astronomy.

Otis Boykin invented 28 electronic devices. His devices control such things as computers, guided missiles, and pace makers.

George Washington Carver invented over 400 products with peanuts. Carver's work literally saved the south by providing an alternative cash crop when the boll weevil moved in and destroyed cotton crops.

Dr. Charles Richard Drew contributed to the study of blood plasma and set up the first blood bank.

Lonnie G. Johnson made an important contribution to the lives of children everywhere. He invented the SuperSoaker water gun.

Lewis Latimer invented the carbon filament common in light bulbs. Latimer worked in the shops of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

Robert H. Lawrence, Jr. was the first black astronaut.

Thurgood Marshall was the first black Supreme Court Justice. Currently Clarence Thomas serves on the Supreme Court.

Jan Ernst Matzeliger, a relative unknown to most Americans, invented a shoe making machine that increased shoe production rates by 900%.

]eneral Colin Powell was the first black U.S. Secretary of State. Condoleezaa Rice was the first black female to serve as Secretary of State.
L. Douglas Wilder was the first black American elected governor. He was elected governor of Virginia.

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful open heart surgery.

Andrew Young was the first black U.S. representative to the U.N. Andrew Young also served as the mayor of the city of Atlanta.
These are remarkable wouldn't you agree. African Americans were almost there. They just needed a little shove to get over the top. President Barack Obama, the first Black President was just that push. He was the final check on the checklist of notable accomplishments. There is really nothing left to do. This is not just Black History but now American History.

That is why I think B.H.M. should be canceled. I hope I made a little sense. I hope I didn't offend anyone as that was not my aim. I am African American myself.

Anywho,Thanks for reading. Look out for my next blog. It will talk about my adventures on Jury Duty. Until then, Be Safe. Im GOOOONE!!!!


  1. Great post! I think it really provokes people to think outside the box in reference to Black History Month. However, I don't think there will ever be 100% satisfaction. Every month that I can think of has another holiday. In addition, I think you should try looking up the reason WHY February was designated black history month. It may change your perspective/help you better understand why February as opposed to any other months. Two thumbs up though! Keep up the nice work.

  2. Black history month should now be Personal heritage/history month.
    I mean, come on! Let's say the superbowl was a failure for you. Valentines? no luck. What's next but to sit down and have some good fried chicken? or Chinese food? or Curry?
    Hey, lets all celebrate our heritage

  3. Morgan Freeman sums this up the best. Check it out.

  4. I really liked that video Michael. I liked this one too
