Monday, January 17, 2011

GWAAARGH!!! Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love the Establishment

Well hey guys and gals. It has been awhile hasn't it? You know, I feel like we haven't talked in forever. Oh yeah, I know I've done my share of blog posts about video games, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment. But when was the last time we sat down and talked about serious business? Far too long for my taste. The fact is I have been having a pretty good existence recently, and haven't found much in the way of obstacles for awhile... until today. Yep I am pissed.

So prepare yourselves for the journey of a lifetime, as today we are talking about MONEY!!

So whats going down today? Well dear reader, the new semester of school is among us and that can only mean PAYMENT! DUN DUN DUN. Now despite my seemingly limitless supply of video games and entertainment, I do not come from the wealthiest of families. That may be a brain scratcher for some, but I just tend to use the extra money I do have on things I enjoy. (I do not enjoy clothes) Hell, I have even put video games above food before.(True story ask the Charmeleon) All I want you to understand, is that I am not scrooge mcduck, and I'm ok with that. To me money has never had the same value that happiness has,but recently I have been left with the sad feeling that maybe we are the minority here. I say "we" in the hopes that some of you reading this feel the same way as I do.

So what exactly am I talking about? Well as I said, the new semester means payment, but it also means signing up for classes, and figuring out a solid schedule. Well I figured out my schedule, finalized everything, and sent in the money. Phew all done... wrong. I looked on the website today only to notice an email saying that all of my classes had been removed because they had not received the payment on time. SO GREAT BACK AT SQUARE ONE! After the initial rage and furious throwing of things, I was eventually able to sign up for the classes again. (Although at different times)

My problem with this whole situation is the lack of human connection and decency. I get it, college is a business, but do we have to be treated so harshly? I mean cmon people, if I missed the date it could only have been by a day or two because of the holiday weekend. Is there no common sense to maybe give a guy a break?

I think the problem here is that business itself has become a lot colder over the years. Maybe it's been like this forever and I'm just now noticing, but businesses only care about the bottom line, meaning that customers who do not play exactly by the rules don't get the service that they deserve. This carries over into other privatized industries which you may not think are businesses at first including education, health care, and housing. (Ok well maybe housing is clearly a business but I like to use three examples) These are three necessities for human development and yet they are run by cold, and uncompromising model.

This is probably an accurate representation of the emotional stature of most powerful business men. And if you get this reference you are awesome, and I love you.

It's almost sad that nothing is done for the greater good of the society at large, without there being an incentive to do so. Everything seems to run in such an inhumane fashion, that we may as well be ruled over by robotic overlords who feast on our depression and hopelessness. "Don't have enough coin? I'm sorry you are now less of a person." Great...

But then again, maybe it's just me. Or maybe its like George Carlin said once "“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”. I guess the world can't really be perfect, and maybe I'll have to pick and choose my battles, but I feel as though a little human compassion could go a long way.

Well anywho, I was just in a bad mood when I wrote this. I think maybe I'll finish the day off with a nice glass of OJ. OH YEAH! I didn't forget about the super secret review guys, I have all the notes done and should hopefully have it up for you soon. Thank you all again for reading and telling friends, it really means a lot.

Oh and PS. I think I am going to watch Twlight tonight. I figure since I have talked so much crap about this series that I should actually see it for myself. It just felt a bit trashing a movie I had never seen. I'll let you know how that goes. Well I hope you aren't too depressed now.BE HAPPY I DEMAND IT OF THEE. Also be safe kids.

1 comment:

  1. "It's almost sad that nothing is done for the greater good of the society at large, without there being an incentive to do so."

    We're banding together to make a legion of superheros. All being led to right this wrong.
