Thursday, December 22, 2011

Top Ten Games of My Year! (Numbers 10-6)

Hi all you guys and gals out there! Well it's that time of year again, the time of year in which we take a look back at all of the great achievements and memories from the past twelve months. If you are reading this, it means you made it! Congratulations! 2011 has not been an easy year to get through. Despite all of the trials and tribulations of the year, video games stood out as a personal beacon of light, encouraging me to persevere if only to see what great new experiences were on the horizon. Perhaps I'm being a bit melodramatic, but if you have read any of my other posts, you'll undoubtedly know how passionate I can get.

 So I know that I did a top ten list last year, but I realized that my rules were flawed. I usually get a lot of games for Christmas, and therefore can't always accurately make my decision on the top games of the year until a few months later. So as a result I have devised a new system of judgment. I am limiting the entrants to games that are actually new this year, so no more game boy advance entries. However, I am not going to be including games that have been released since November, because chances are I haven't had a chance to play them just yet. So think of this as a TOP TEN GAMES I'VE PLAYED SINCE THE LAST TIME I MADE THIS LIST! (Or Top Ten Games of the Year *excluding anything released after November) ....heh. Also keep in mind that any of these games could arguably be considered the best game of the year!

10.  Infamous : Festival of Blood

So let's start off with a bang! What can be said about Infamous Festival of Blood, that hasn't already been said in my previous review? Well for starters, let me explain why I decided to include Festival of Blood (Technically a Separate game, but essentially Halloween themed dlc), as opposed to including Infamous 2 itself. You see, while I enjoyed Infamous 2 immensely, the game had a lot of flaws that became more apparent the more time you spent in the city. (Again this is all in a previous review ) However, while Festival of Blood had a lot of the same problems, the game was short enough that they never became as big of a problem as they were in the full retail game. The game isn't perfect, but it was a fun and memorable adventure that really captured the Halloween spirit. In the futureI would really love to see more Halloween specific one offs like Festival of Blood or Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare.

9. Binding of Isaac

Oh wow! This just happens to be another game that I did a quick review of! What a coincidence... No I honestly swear I didn't plan this, it just kinda happened. Binding of Isaac is a fantastic game with a great art style and a big challenge for those who are up for it. I thought for a long time about whether or not to even include Isaac as I have yet to beat the game. (I know guys, I know.) But how could I not include The Binding of Isaac on this list? The art style is horrifying and cute at the same time, the game play is addictive and fair, and it's probably one of the funniest games I have ever played. Not to mention the fact that the game randomly generates it's levels insuring that you will always have a reason to go back and attempt to defeat your evil mother once again! On top of all of that, the game is only five bucks. FIVE BUCKS? Think about the amount of money you pay to go see a crappy movie at the movie theater, almost three times that amount! The Binding of Isaac is simply the best entertainment five dollars can buy! (Ok I understand this is open for horrible jokes, but please just be better than that)

8. LA Noire

Now here is a game? Right? Yeah sure why not? While L.A. Noire may have been what Rockstar fans expected considering the companies history of chaos driven open worlds, the game delivered that same Rockstar flare for story telling and characters. While less of a third person shooter and more of a point-and-click adventure game set in a 3d environment, L.A. Noire succeeded in making you feel like a detective working the beat in 1950's Los Angeles. I mean, I've never actually experienced 1950's Los Angeles personally, but it felt pretty accurate, and from what I've heard the company did a great job of maintaining historical accuracy.

But L.A. Noire's biggest claim to fame is undoubtedly the facial recognition technology that they used while filming the game. Almost every face in the game is from a real person, and the amount of facial detail is almost astounding and is probably something we will see lots more of in the future. However, the technology isn't perfect and can sometimes result in some uncanny valley situations where you feel like you are staring at a talking manikin rather than an actual character.  Also the system for interviewing and interrogating suspects is not perfect as sometimes it's hard to tell what exactly the actor is trying to convey, or what the game wants you to do. Hopefully if Rockstar makes a sequel they expand the interrogation system so that it includes more than just Truth, Lie, or doubt, which could sometimes be too ambiguous.

Although I had my problems with L.A. Noire, and got frustrated a few times while playing, the story and characters really make up for the somewhat average game play. You are really forced to play the good guy, no Grand Theft Auto style rampages here. The game forces you to play like a good cop, but it never feels like a punishment as the game consistently offers very new and interesting scenarios for you to tackle. Or you could just play like an idiot. Pssh whatever man you can't tell me what to do!

7. Mortal Kombat 9

Kung Lao picked the wrong bath house.
Oh god, I'm sorry I did it again didn't I? I picked yet another game that I did a review of. Funny how these things happen, but I guess it makes sense seeing as I only review games that jump out at me, or offer some sort of interesting surprise. Well Mortal Kombat 9 otherwise known simply as Mortal Kombat is probably the biggest surprise in terms of games this year. Who would have suspected that the new Mortal Kombat game would have been as good as it was after a string of somewhat average MK games, but here we are. The game is gorgeous, from every drop of blood, to the bones that shatter when you use a full meter, Mortal Kombat is undoubtedly one of the best looking fighting games of all time. Although, Mortal Kombat isn't merely about looks, the game is fantastic and frantic. MK9 feels like a new fighting game, while retaining the essence of what makes a Mortal Kombat game. I could talk for ages about what I like about this game, but perhaps my favorite aspect to the new Mortal Kombat game is the robust story mode which is surprisingly good for a fighting game. The single player was a welcome addition for us fighting game scrubs who still wanted to enjoy all of the brutal action.

6. Stacking

This is how I feel about Stacking
God I love Double Fine! I know I have mentioned my love for this company in the past, but it's hard not to love the adorable creations of the Double Fine crew. Stacking is by far one of the most gorgeous games I have ever played. I know I talk about the visuals of games a lot, but Stacking really has a unique art style that almost looks photo realistic at times...Well as photo realistic as Russian Stacking Dolls can get. I mean I honestly thought upon first inspection, that the Dolls in this game were incorporating real pictures in some sort of stop motion thingamabober, that's how good this game looks. I honestly don't think I can accurately describe how interesting this game's art style is without literally pushing you in front of my TV and forcing you to watch. I could just so you a youtube video though, so I guess I will opt for that instead.

Yeah it's kind of a pretty game. However, as with many of the entries on this list, Stacking is not just a pretty face. In Stacking you play as Charlie Blackmore who is the smallest stacking doll around, however never fear, for this small stature allows Charlie to hop in and out of other dolls and use their powers for good! Each doll has it's own special ability which can help you get past puzzles, and each puzzle has multiple solutions which offers a bit of re-playability for those who are as obsessed with Double Fine's worlds as I am. Stacking is a game that can simultaneously makes fart jokes, and yet stand as a perfect example of artistic vision in video games. It is an absolutely great time, and hey child labor is always funny right? Right? The answer is yes. (I do not actually endorse child labor, but if you actually believed I did then shame on you sir or madam) Stacking manages to be laugh out loud funny while never crossing into vulgar. It's a warm and inviting world, full of adventure and fun. Hey Double Fine want to hire me as a public relations dudeman? Cus I will do it. No seriously, I love you guys that much.
What if Tim Schafer found this somehow?! Hello Tim! Pleased to meet you!
Well that's all for now guys. I know I only got to number 6, but that's what we in the business of doing things call a cliffhanger! Don't worry I will most likely be posting the second half in a day or two, but until then I hope you all have a wonderful ummm pre or post holiday? Well just have a good one, and I will see you soon for the exciting conclusion! DUN DUN DUN!

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