Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm obviously not a Hipster, why do people keep calling me that.

Hello, Reader. My name is Hünder Grownd. My friend The Charmeleon hasn't posted in a while and he asked me if I could do it for him today so I had to find some time in my busy schedule to compensate. Don't you see what time it is. It's like 4 o'clock in the morning. I'm not even tired LOL. I didn't even want to write on this thing. Blogger is SO mainstream. Blogging is mainstream. Who does this shit anyways. (I don't use question marks. They're too mainstream. I liked them better when they were just marks.) 

Anyways, I thought I'd do this post because I have a lot to say LOL. (And yes, I capitalize every letter when I say LOL. It's because too many people started saying "LOL", then they started saying "lol", then old people started saying "LOL" and now I'm saying "LOL" because it's ironic. Duh, like Cardigans and Parliment Lights. And the fact that I had to explain LOL to you means you might as well stop reading this post right now, if I haven't lost you already. This post will be over your head. Duh.) 

And yeah, I smoke. I know it's bad for my lungs. I'm about to switch to smoking completely secondhand anyways. Less mainstream.

Anyways, I have a list of topics I wanted to talk about, so let's get started. First off lets talk about fashion. I'm not into all this crazy, expensive, mainstream hoorah fashion so I go shopping at thrift stores. But lately mainstream hype has infected thrift stores too, so I buy $100 shirts from Banana Republic and burn them then wear them inside out. It's ironic.

Anyways, let's talk about my favorite animals. I like moles and fossils. You probably haven't heard of them. They're underground.

I hate fish. Too mainstream.

Anyways, let's talk about music. In this segment I like to call "Music I Loathe". Aren't you excited. Here we go.

Anything by Queen.

Big Rock Candy Mountain: Rocketship.

Anything by artists whose names start with K, Q, Z or the number 3.

DJ SBTRKT: Wildfire.

Anything by MGMT.

Anything that has, is, or will be played/playing/played on the radio.

Anything that uses instruments.

Art vs. Science: Hollywood.

That's about it. Everything is else is okay.

How about we talk about my favorite thing to do when I'm bored. It's called Heavily drinking, alone. 


That was a joke.

My family doesn't get it either. I don't have a problem.

Anyways, I'm about to give up on a lot of this mainstream stuff. There are so many things that the government force feeds the general populace to use. Psht. Like who needs vowels. Right. Frm nw n m nt gng t s ny vwls. vr.

nywys,  knw y njyd ths pst. mght b tmptd t d ths gn. LL. Lk tht wld hppn.  m gng t g n  lng bk rd nd thnk bt lf. Pc lsrs. LL.

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