Monday, November 8, 2010

Everything I Needed to Know in Life, I Learned in Kindergarten

As I look back on my life, the places I've been, the things I've learned, the experience I've garnished, I have come to this realization : Everything I Needed to Know in Life, I Learned In Kindergarten. I know, I know. Your probably thinking, "well what about middle school, high school, college???" No! That was all just a waste of time. Don't get too excited now, you see I'm not advocating not going to school. In fact when it comes to deciding how to waste our time, going to school is high up on the list. It's a pretty important and quite necessary waste of time. But let's not get distracted from the important revelation on hand. Everything I Needed to Know in Life, I Learned In Kindergarten. Let me explain:

Day 1/Lesson 1: The first day of Kindergarten gave me my first life lesson. That morning could not have been any more picture perfect. My mom woke me up, gave me a shower, fixed my breakfast, dressed me. She did it all. I thought this would be the greatest day of my life. We left the house to walk to school, my mom holding my left hand my dad holding my right. Take a second to picture this tender moment. Beautiful Isn't it? It felt like a scene out of a movie. The bell rang as we approached the school signaling the time to go inside. My parents walked me to the line where my class was. There were parents everywhere, but mine were the best...Not for long. As my class began walking up the steps to go inside the building, I turned around expecting to see my parents walking right behind me. What did I see instead? Not their encouraging warm smiles. No, I saw them walking back home. They left me. My little heart started racing. My palms started sweating. My lungs which once filled with life-giving air, felt as though they were starting to collapse. When I turned back around, the stairs that once seemed so inviting, so entrancing, now seemed so menacing, so terrifying. You see, I didn't fully grasp what going to school entailed. This was my first life lesson. You can't take Mom and Dad with you forever. There comes a point when they have to go and you have to experience things on your own. This was the most depressing moment of my life, aside from the time I got slapped by a girl (another blog post for another day). I had two options: 1. Suck it up like a man and keep on walking or 2. Stand there and cry. What I chose to do taught me my second life lesson. I'll let you know what that was soon. Stay tuned.

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