Thursday, October 28, 2010


Ok so here I am once again folks, appeasing the my blogging god with a post that can only be measured in lamb's blood. So whats new world? Much? Thats good. As for me I've been playing the new Red Dead Redemption dlc "Undead Nightmare". Let me first off say that if you are a fan of zombie fiction, or Red Dead Redemption, then you pretty much owe it to yourself to pick this bad boy up. Its only 10 bucks but there's so much content, my head could explode over it. But anywho, not to sound like an advertisement, but it really got me thinking about things. Zombie-ish things.

Guys I hate to break it to you, but zombies are really getting out of control. And no, I did not originally mean for that to be a pun on the nature of zombies. What I mean is that they are over saturating media. A few years ago a new zombie movie, or zombie game was met with glee because it was a rarity and it was such a cool idea. However the problem today is that ITS FREAKING EVERYWHERE!. Now what used to be a cool idea and something that I enjoyed, is being continuously raped. (Not unlike the current vampire situation) Thats not to say that the content is bad. I mean there havent been many bad zombie experiences, its just getting old. REALLY REALLY OLD. Even when playing the Red Dead dlc, I found myself feeling a tad bit exhausted, not with the gameplay, but with the idea. We need a break from zombies. Why not bring back some other form of monster, or god forbid someone creates something new. The fact is we love to see the world end, and that is why we love zombies, but maybe just maybe there can be a new threat. Say what you will about the Happening, but the concept was at least new and entertaining.

The World Is Coming To An End...

Hello world, this is the Lawmaker back at you again. Yes, I'm now certain that I'm the Lawmaker *roaring round of applause*. But do you know what else I'm certain of? The world as we know it, is coming to an end. Oh, don't be scared. Don't be shocked or surprised. We saw this coming but we did nothing to stop it. Let me tell you what happened last night. As I was sitting down, creating the cure for cancer, my little sister approached me. She handed me a paper and asked "can you help me with my homework Lawmaker?". As I began reading the instructions for the assignment, my jaw dropped. Why you ask? Calm down and I'll tell you why. The instructions said "write a detailed summary on....". I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm not sure if you got the memo because I sure didn't. Since when did Summaries become Detailed???? I mean doesn't that defeat the purpose??? Normally something like this would never catch my attention, if it weren't for what I'd thought was a harmless conversation I'd overheard earlier that day. As I was rolling down the baby aisle at shop rite, this young lady said something quite startling. She had just ran into an old friend of hers. After they embraced the friend asked her, "girl what you doing in the baby isle?". I suggest you have a seat right now if your not sitting because her answer is gonna knock your socks off. This is what she said "Well girl I'm just a little pregnant..." WHAT?????? No that's not a mistake, that's exactly what she said. Last time I checked either your pregnant, or your not pregnant. There is no "a little pregnant" or half pregnant, it's all or nothing. You see people, we have lost the essence behind words. We flagrantly say things, but we don't realize with every ridiculous statement we make, we're driving ourselves closer and closer to the edge. Words are the foundation for every civilization. Please let's go back to the way it used to be. Let's put an end to the foolishness. Lets stop drinking "Iced Coffee's" and eating "cold hot dogs", let's stop making "educated guesses" or "curved lines". Lets stop wearing "dress pants" chose one, the dress or the pants. Please, lets stop this world from coming to an end......

All my kicks fly, like Lu-Kang...I'm gone

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Vow for AOVW

AOVW. Even though we just met, I already love you. We are going to have some fun times together. I've already been in several situations where I immediately thought "Dude I soooo have to blog this" but I don't because that would be a little excessive. In any case, I promise to give you whatever is on my mind, no matter how childish, crude, vulgar, or boring it could possibly be. Feel free to post questions. normalguy417, The Lawmaker and I vow to answer questions to the best of our abilities but we also reserve the right to be as jerk-offish, asshole-ish and non-sensible as we want. Hey, nobody comes into the blogging business to make friends. It's cutthroat out here, just think of us as the best advice you've got out on the Internet. We're that friend who lets you borrow a dollar, then sprays mace in your face.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Post One (EPIC)

Well where to start off? I am the third contributor to this blog, and possibly the least ecstatic. Dont get me wrong, Im happy to be here, but the initial idea of a group blog seemed like a lot of pressure. Maybe I'm over thinking here, but that's what I do so get used to it. I'm really not sure what to talk about in this first blog post, which I so creatively named "Post One". Maybe I should talk about my distinct hatred for internet language. When joining this blog I was prompted to come up with a screen name. I hate screen names, they always come off annoying to me. For example, I would rather someone just use their name then called themselves xBluntsmokingnarutofan69x. Maybe I am over exaggerating, but stuff like that is on par with the over excess of the term epic. Stop saying epic. Also stop saying win, fail, ftw, and for the love of god stop making Chuck Norris jokes.

- The Pretentious Douche (Please dont hate me:( )


What I hate most about failing an exam is not the actual conformation of your failure, but the entire process of failing itself. There are three different stages of failing an exam. Denial, Ignorance and Acceptance. The night before the exam, one might find themselves thinking "there is no possible way im failing this exam I just failed my last one" or "I am so going to pass this test. Failing fails to exist. Ive never even heard of the word failing. Its like a foreign language." A couple of seconds later, when you finally open the book for the first time in two weeks, you realize things are not going to be as easy as you once thought. Thoughts like "holy shit I hope she decides not to give that test tomorrow..." or "wtf?? He never taught this in class!" or even "Maybe halfway through my exam the world will end, so I don't even have to study this." This, my friends, is ignorance. Thoughts like this will haunt you the whole entire night, causing you to skip over things. When you finally get the actual test, thats when you realize the whole "testing" and "college" thing really isnt for you. You start tracing patterns out on the scantron sheet. You look at it and think "whoaaaa...thats too many C's in one row...better throw some D's on that bitch". Somewhere between question 1 and 100, you realize you didn't know what you think you did. And the world isn't going to end. So you suck it up, hand in the test and walk out of the room with your head held up high. And if someone asks, you proudly say "the test? Oh, I bombed it" with a big smile.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Laying Down The Law

I am the Law...or maybe not. Im not sure yet, but by the end of the day I will be sure. So for now, I am the Law. Stay tuned for more insightful posts

One take timmy. I deserve an oscar, grammy and an emmy...Im gone